We all need each other and that’s why we have LifeGroups. Whether you’re new to groups, leading for the first time, or a seasoned leader, there’s a place for you!
Learn More About LifeGroups
LifeGroups create a space for people to intentionally share their lives with others, grow spiritually together, and encourage each other through the highs and lows of life. LifeGroups gather at the church, in homes, coffee shops, and other places where people love to connect.
Life is better in a group.
You don’t need to have it all together to lead a LifeGroup—you just have to be willing to let God use you. If you’re a first-time leader, join us for LifeGroup Training. We believe God uses LifeGroups to change people’s lives, and as a leader, you get to be a part of that.
Attend Leader Training
Watch for upcoming LifeGroup leader training coming soon!