Prayer Request

If there is anything in your life that you need from God, we would love to partner with you in prayer. Simply fill out the form below and our pastors and prayer team will be praying for you. We typically approve posts to be live on the wall within 24 hours. You may also pray for someone else’s request by clicking the “I Prayed For This” button at the top of their request. If you enter your email address in the form, you will be notified when others pray for you. 

Submit a prayer request by using the form below. It will be shared within 24 hours according to your instructions, PLEASE NOTE: Click “Submit Request” only once to avoid any delay in having your request posted.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 82 times.


Please pray for my son, Andrew. He was brought up a Christian and had accepted Christ when he was a teenager but he has fallen prey to the lies of the devil and fallen into a gay lifestyle. Please pray for him to return to Christ.

Thank you!

Received: August 8, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 75 times.

Kent mattox

Been battling fear and the past. I lost my ex-girlfriend who I miss. I am so madly in love with her. Plus struggle in past failures haunting me. I need Jesus Christ. Please hear my prayer, Father.

Received: August 7, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 70 times.


Please pray for my son’s brain injury recovery- physically, mentally, spiritually. That he will be able to walk again, work again, and someday share his testimony of how God saved him.

Received: August 7, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 68 times.


Please pray that my mother Kathleen and my sister Marilee have an experience with Jesus to open their eyes to release them from the bondage of the damaging Pentecostal cult I was raised in. Our relationship was wrecked deeply when I left and I miss them deeply.

Received: August 7, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 68 times.


Please stand in prayer with me and my family for my recovery following a car accident that nearly took my life. God saved me. Recovery has not been easy and I am learning to trust God’s plan and timing, and I am so thankful for how far He has brought me already.

Received: August 7, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 103 times.


I pray that God would encounter Eric who is constantly perverse in his conversation. He suffers from alcoholism & I loose him from the curses of this addiction for Gal 3:13-14 says that Christ has redeemed all of us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us.

Received: August 5, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 99 times.

Jason Phillips

My wife Elizabeth has a procedure scheduled for Wednesday, August 7th. Please pray for a good report and that the doctors will be led to the correct analysis of how to proceed.

Received: August 5, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 102 times.


Prayers please for healing from pain. I have experienced a back injury and have no real answers. I am currently on bed rest in tons of pain’

Received: August 5, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 90 times.


Please pray for Dr. J.R. Mosely Sr. He is the pastor of the NorthStar Baptist Church in Tyler. Please lift his family and the congregation up in prayer.

Received: August 5, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 94 times.


Brooke has seizures, migraines, bipolar and ptsd and several other health problems. She is also battling a drug addiction.

Pray for total healing and wholeness for Brooke

Received: August 4, 2024


Thank You